Committee Roles
The Board of Directors have established a structure of Committees as follows:
- Local Governing Committees;
- Standards and Innovation;
- Human Resources;
- Finance and Premises
- Audit, compliance and Risk.
These Committees will act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors except where powers have been specifically delegated to them by the Board of Directors.
The functions and proceedings of the Committees are subject to regulations made by the Directors pursuant to the powers contained in the Articles of Association.
Local Governing COMMITTEES
The Local Governing Bodies carry the Trust vision, policies and priorities forward, based on the specific qualities and community characteristics of each Academy. They support, question and challenge the Academy Leadership Team, holding them to account.
Standards AND INNOVATION Committee
The role of the innovations and Standards committee is to monitor the academic progress of each Academy and to support any areas of innovation, whether curriculum innovation or through mutually beneficial partnerships.
Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee oversees and provides effective leadership on matters relating to the staff and volunteers, ensuring that the Trust and all Academies:
- demonstrate equality, diversity and inclusion;
- operate within Trust policies and relevant employment legislation;
- comply with Safeguarding requirements including the Implementation of Safer Recruitment in Education.
Finance and premises Committee
The Finance and premises committee monitors income and expenditure for all the Academies and has a responsibility to ensure the preparation of responsible budget planning. It recommends annual budgets to the Board of Directors, through the work of the Finance Director. It also oversees capital expenditure and asset management.
Audit, compliance and Risk Committee
The responsibility of this committee is to ensure that the Trust and all of its Academies are compliant with current regulation across number of areas, to assess risk on behalf of each of the academies and the Trust as a whole and to ensure appropriate auditing is arranged.